Quarantine Bay Boat Ramp, Eden

15 Quarantine Bay Rd, Eden, NSW 2551 (Get Directions)

 - Very Good

Quarantine Bay Boat Ramp, Eden

This 3-laned concrete boat ramp is located at Quarantine Bay, which is a sheltered part of Twofold Bay in Eden. There are also jetties for loading and unloading passengers on a boat and easier launching and retrieving boats. An extensive sealed parking area and six fish-cleaning facilities are located adjacent to the boat ramp. Public toilets and parking areas are scattered around the area. The boat washing facilities are located in the parking areas.

The beach has direct ocean access and is virtually wave-free, bordered by a break wall at one end and natural rock at the other. There is a boat shed, as well as amenities and shady places to sit.

Feature  Description 
 Number of ramp lanes  3 (including a floating and concrete pontoon jetty)
 Fish cleaning facilities  Yes
 Carpark spaces  51+ car parking spaces
 Amenities  BBQ stations, litter bins, boat washing facilities, public toilets, benches
 Ramp rating  - Very Good

If you are looking to buy boats or need to upgrade your boat engine, Fraser Marine Eden, a Quintrex boats and Suzuki and Mercury Engines dealer, is just a 4-minute drive from Quarantine Bay. You can easily trailer your boat to the dealership and back to the ramp without much inconvenience. You can also buy a boat trailer, marine gear, fishing supplies, and boating equipment from well-known brands.


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