Top Ten Ideas on How IoT Technology Can Boost the Boating Industry

05 Jun 2023

An animated picture of an orange boat on an ocean.

The Internet of Things, or IoT, has taken the world by storm over the past decade. After all, most of us now own a fitness tracker or smart speaker! A network of physical devices and sensors that exchange data with one another, IoT devices make it easy to collect data and control our environment with the click of a button. How can IoT technology be used in the boating industry? As a custom app development company, we’re used to helping startups harness the power of IoT technology.

Here are ten ways you can create smart boating solutions with the help of the Internet of Things.

1. Monitoring boat performance

In the past, shipping companies and sailors relied on complicated calculations and expensive computers to measure boat performance. IoT makes the process less time-intensive, less costly, and more accurate. Well-placed sensors mean engine performance, battery levels, and the health of components like the hull, rigging, and propellers can all be monitored for wear and tear, as well as damage.

This makes it easier to spot any issues and fix them before they cause serious concerns. Plus, as IoT allows for remote monitoring, it means people don’t need to be on the boat to know what performance issues there are.

2. Inventory management

Whether you need to monitor spare parts or the amount of food and drink on board, inventory management is critical on a boat. IoT sensors let you monitor and manage your inventory in real time, so you always know how much of a specific item you have. The Internet of Things can also automatically reorder items, saving you valuable time and giving you peace of mind that you always have the right level of supplies.

3. Navigation assistance

IoT technology means even the smallest vessels can take advantage of detailed and accurate directions. IoT-enabled GPS systems mean navigators can plan a route and see what weather conditions will be like. As these systems update in real-time, boat users can also be informed of upcoming hazards, and be offered an alternative sailing route on the fly.

4. Monitoring water quality

Let’s say that you want to go fishing or swimming while on a boat – whether you can or not largely depends on the quality of the water. IoT sensors on the exterior of the boat can measure the temperature, oxygen levels, and PH of the water, giving you the information you need to safely take a dip or look for fish.

5. Remote access and control

Smart heating, lighting, HVAC, and music systems mean people can manage their homes even when they’re away from them. The same logic applies to boats. With the right smart systems in place, you have complete control over your boat or fleet of vessels.

For example, you can schedule the heating to turn on during the winter months to prevent the pipes from freezing. Alternatively, you can arrange for the air conditioning to turn on when humidity levels rise, preventing the growth of mould. And, of course, constantly monitoring the lighting and appliances means lower energy bills and a more sustainable fleet.

6. Detecting safety issues

From a pinhole leak to a faulty gas boiler, or even a raging fire, it’s critical that any health and safety issues are fixed as soon as possible. After all, you don’t want to be in the middle of nowhere when an emergency situation takes hold. IoT-connected devices like fire alarm systems, carbon monoxide detectors, and water leakage detectors mean you can identify minor issues before they become major problems.

7. Checking boat location

Whether you own one boat or an entire fleet, it’s essential that you know where your vessels are. GPS and the IoT come together to provide accurate, real-time information about whether any boats have strayed off course or need assistance. As well as boat location, sensors can also track individuals on board. For example, a lifejacket with a built-in sensor makes it easy to locate and rescue people in an emergency situation.

8. Keeping vessels secure

Boats are an expensive investment, making them a tempting target for thieves. A smart security system makes it harder for criminals to steal from, or drive away with your boat. IoT security systems send alerts directly to your phone, meaning you can take action or get a professional security company to investigate on your behalf.

9. Smart anchoring services

Deploying an anchor in the right place is essential – you don’t want your vessel to get stuck or drift away. An IoT-enabled anchor takes water depth, currents, and wind speed into account, making it easy to deploy an anchor even in the choppiest waters. It can also automatically adjust when deployed, meaning the boat stays precisely where it needs to.

10. Data analytics and performance

Our final point when it comes to smart boating solutions is the monitoring of data. IoT devices constantly send data over the network to a central application, relaying it to a mobile app or website. This means you have a wealth of information that you can access any time you want. You can use this data to identify trends, optimise performance, and help you make decisions to ensure your boat (or fleet) is more efficient in the future. For example, this information means you can predict maintenance requirements, meaning fewer unexpected breakdowns.

As you can see, IoT technology in the boating industry means more flexibility, more control, and, most importantly, a safer experience for everyone.

If you’d like to know more about how to launch your own custom IoT app, we’re here to help.

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