A Guide to Prevent Icky Pests On Your Boat

29 Aug 2023

A man cleaning the bow of a wooden boat.

A boat is not just a mere water vessel, it’s a vessel to freedom, adventure, and the soothing embrace of the water. Ask any boater or angler, and they will agree with this sentiment. However, along with the joys of boating, come the challenges of pest infestations. From rodents to insects, pests can turn your aluminium boats, wooden boats, or fibreglass boats into a nightmare haven. But fear not! With the right strategies and preventive measures, you can keep your boat pest-free and ensure that your aquatic escapades remain pleasant and worry-free. Let’s discuss all effective methods to prevent any pests from boarding your boat.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your boat clean and well-maintained is the first line of defence against pests. Regularly clean every nook and cranny of the boat. And we mean that you include all the storage compartments, galley (aka the kitchen area in your boat), and sleeping quarters. Remove food particles, crumbs, and spilled liquids, as these can attract pests. Vacuuming, wiping down surfaces, and eliminating stagnant water are just some of the things you need to do to discourage pests from finding a welcoming environment.

Secure Food and Garbage

Food is what mainly attracts all pests. Store all food items in airtight containers to prevent smells from wafting through the boat and attracting unwanted visitors. Dispose of trash properly in sealed bags, and if possible, remove it from the boat daily to eliminate any temptation for pests.

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your boat for any openings or gaps that pests could use to gain access. Common entry points include gaps in doors, windows, and ventilation systems. Seal these openings using weather stripping, caulking, or other appropriate methods to create a barrier against pests.

Proper Ventilation

While ventilation is vital to prevent mould and moisture buildup, using screens on vents can prevent pests from entering your boat through these openings. Mesh screens allow air to flow while keeping pests out.

Install Pest Deterrents

Consider using pest deterrents like ultrasonic devices, electronic pest repellents, or even natural remedies such as essential oils to keep pests at bay. The devices emit sounds while the essential oils reek a strong scent that pests find unpleasant and uncomfortable which will discourage them from approaching your boat.

Keep Exterior Clean

Pests can also be attracted to the exterior of your boat, primarily if it’s harboured near shores or docks. Barnacles are just some of those marine pests that cling to the hull of your Crowline Finseeker (or whatever type of boat you have) and multiply fast. Regularly clean the hull and deck, and remove any pests or debris that could create hiding spots for these annoying critters.

Secure Trash Cans

If you have trash cans on board, ensure they have tightly fitting lids and are emptied regularly. Pests are attracted to the smell of trash so preventing access to trash is helpful in keeping pests from infesting your boat.

Inspect Your Boat Regularly

Frequent inspections can help you catch pest problems early. Look for signs of pest activity such as droppings, chewed materials, or nests. Address any issues immediately to prevent the infestation from spreading.

Properly Store Gear and Equipment

Pests can hitch a ride on your gear, clothing, or equipment. When not in use, store these items in sealed containers or bags. Shake out and inspect items before bringing them back on board to ensure you’re not unknowingly introducing pests.

Use Natural Predators

If you’re dealing with pests like mosquitoes, consider introducing natural predators like certain types of fish that feed on mosquito larvae or adopt a cat to be your boat mate and assign them to be the mice catcher.

Elevate Storage

Whenever possible, elevate storage containers and gear off the ground. This minimizes hiding spots for pests and makes it more challenging for them to access your belongings.

Regularly Check Dock Lines

When moored, check your dock lines and fenders for any marks of damage done by pests as this is an indication that they might have climbed aboard. Shake them out and inspect them before bringing these things onto your boat.

Seek Professional Help

If you’ve done everything you can and you still suffer from a persistent pest problem, don’t hesitate to seek professional help (such as pest control exterminators) to eliminate pests to exterminate them and also find out the root cause of why they are multiplying and staying inside your boat even if you’ve done all the necessary measures to get rid of them. 


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