Doing A Sea Trial Of Used Motorboats: Tips on How To Do It Safely

26 Apr 2023

So, you’ve finally bought that used Stacer boat for sale from one of the boat dealerships in your area that you’ve been promising to buy for yourself. But before you seal the deal and let the dealer hand you the boat, you might want to ask for a sea trial first.  A sea trial is sort of a test run, to make sure everything works properly and to ensure there are no problems occurring with the boat. Most marine surveyors (the guys who will check the boat in every nook and cranny to make sure it is in good condition) will suggest carrying a sea trial out. However, hiring surveyors can be pretty expensive and on top of the boat and its accessories and equipment you’re buying, your budget might be in a bind. It makes sense that you may not want to get a surveyor to save money.

So, if you don’t want a surveyor inspecting and tinkering with your soon-to-be boat, all of those responsibilities are yours for the taking.

You need to know how to properly inspect a boat and do a sea trial. If you’re worried about doing the right thing or not, there’s no need to. This article will guide you on how to do it properly. 

Before You Take Out the Boat at Sea:

If it’s possible, arrange the sea trial on a sunny day with a breeze, if possible. However, if the season has more cloudy than sunny days, it’s fine as long as the forecast tells you that the chances of precipitation are low.  Ask the owner or dealer to take out the boat on the water for at least a couple of hours. This way, you’ll be able to see the boat perform in real-life conditions. If possible, ask them to try the boat with the intention you’ll be using it. For example, if you’re intending to use the boat for water skiing, then you need to take out the boat for that activity. 

Before you start the trial, note down your expected performance targets for the boat and the engine. You can approach your fellow boater friends and ask for their help to show you how a well-maintained boat should perform first or ask them to accompany you during a sea trial. 

Bear in mind that most sea trials happen on a nearly empty boat since the owner took most of the gear off and the tanks are low on fuel. If they are available, take your family or friends with you to add some weight to the boat day. This way you can actually test the boat’s performance once you have fuel, gear, and passengers on board.

Check the Performance of the Boat and the Engine

First of all, make sure the engine works by seeing if it turns on without any hitches. Turn on the engine from its cold setting so you can see any problems. Check the engine trim and ask the owner to adjust it, if needed. Record the boat engine hours before and after the trial to test the meter.

Ask the owner or dealer nicely to let you drive the boat. Chances are they will let you do this so you don’t need to do a lot of convincing. Once you’re operating it, take out your list of performance targets and start listing the boat’s performance. See how it crosses waves at varying speeds. Use your ears and listen for any unusual vibrations and sounds. Check that all instruments in the boat work while it’s underway and don’t forget to keep a close eye on the engine’s temperature and oil levels.

Check the Overall Appearance of the Boat

Look and feel the boat. For example, when you sit down while the boat is underway; do you need to brace yourself a lot or you can just sit back and relax? Are the seats comfortable to sit on? Check if there are storage areas and if they are enough to store all your supplies and equipment. Check if there are enough handholds around the boat.

Don’t forget to also inspect doors, lockers, and hatches. Do they open and close correctly? Smell the various compartments to verify any leaks. Look for scratches, cracks, or chips. Check if there is water in the bilge. Test all the gear on board.

A sea trial won’t reveal all the secrets of a vessel, but it can highlight some major problems, which in turn helps you avoid making a big and expensive mistake. Don’t skip this crucial step in the boat-buying process.

You can’t expect a used boat to look and feel like a new one, though. Expect that you might encounter any fixable issues come up sooner or later. Minor problems won’t have a significant impact on the price of the vessel, so try not to get too caught up in the details. And even if you do end up hiring a surveyor, being able to spot some of these issues will allow you to highlight them to the expert and ask for their opinion. Even the best mechanic can miss a detail or two.

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