How to Get A Good Night Sleep While Spending the Night on A Boat

31 Aug 2023

Two people sleeping in sleeping bags on the back area of the boat

Are you in Perth or Bundaberg boating in its pristine waterscapes? Are you spending the night in the middle of the sea? Getting a good night’s sleep while spending the night on a boat can be a bit challenging especially if you’re not used to the rocking motions of the waves but with the right tips and tricks to do, you can rest easy and wake up refreshed. So, let’s dive into the sea and explore how to catch those Z’s on the high seas.

Invest in Quality Bedding

Your choice of bedding can make or break your sleep experience on a boat. Opt for a high-quality mattress or thick foam pad to provide some cushioning against the firm boat surfaces. Make sure you have comfortable, moisture-wicking sheets and a warm blanket or sleeping bag, depending on the water.

Pack Earplugs and Sleeping Eye Mask

Boats can be noisy with the sound of water lapping against the hull and the hum of the engine if it’s running. Bring earplugs to block out unwanted noise and an eye mask to keep out the early morning sun or artificial lights coming from the boat or the lights from the shore reflected by the water.

Dress Comfortably

Wearing comfortable and breathable clothing is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Choose loose-fitting, moisture-wicking pyjamas, or even sleep in your underwear if you prefer. You can always layer up if it gets chilly during the night.

Find the Right Spot

When it comes to finding the perfect spot to lay your head, location matters. The centre of the boat typically experiences less movement, so set up your makeshift bed or sleeping quarters there. However, if your boat is cabin type, such as a cuddy cabin like the Ocean Spirit range from Quintrex boats, make sure the cabin area is set up as a comfortable place to rest and sleep in.

Stay Hydrated and Avoid Heavy Meals

Eating a heavy meal right before bed can lead to discomfort and indigestion, especially on a boat where your body is constantly adjusting to the movement. Instead, have a light dinner a few hours before bedtime so your body can digest the food you intake right away so you won’t have to go to bed full. Sleeping with a full stomach can lead to indigestion and sleeping problems. Stay hydrated but avoid drinking too much water before sleep to minimise those late-night bathroom trips.

Go To The Bathroom Before Bed

Speaking of bathroom trips, it’s a good idea to make one last visit to the facilities before hitting the sack. This can help you avoid having to navigate the boat in the middle of the night.

Keep Essential Boating Items Within Reach

It's frustrating to have to stumble around in the dark searching for your glasses or a flashlight. Keep essential items like a flashlight, your phone, and any medication within easy reach of your sleeping area.

Embrace the Rocking Motion

The gentle rocking of the boat can be quite soothing once you get used to it. Embrace the motion rather than fighting it. It's like being rocked to sleep as a baby.

Use Natural Sleep Aids

If you're having trouble falling asleep, consider natural sleep aids like chamomile tea or lavender essential oil. These can help relax your mind and body.

Watch ASMR videos

If you’re moored in an area where there is a Wi-Fi connection or your data connection is strong, you can watch ASMR videos on YouTube to help you sleep. These videos stimulate your senses through various quiet sounds such as whispering, crisp sounds, slow movements and constant personal attention to you as you watch the video. These techniques help you relax and be comforted, prompting you to fall asleep.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Boats can be noisy and unfamiliar, which can make it hard to relax. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation to calm your mind and body before sleep.

Do A Lot of Activities During the Day

If you’re physically active throughout the day, your body will get tired when nighttime comes, making you fall asleep faster.

Be Patient

Finally, be patient with yourself. Forcing your mind and your body to go to sleep right away will only have the exact opposite effect. Let sleepiness waft in when your mind is calm and your body is relaxed. 

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