How to Get Rid of Mould and Mildew from Your Boat Interior

04 Mar 2024

A white open boat's interior.

Mould and mildew, the unwelcome guests that thrive in damp and confined spaces, can wreak havoc on a boat's interior. These fungi not only pose health risks but can also cause structural damage and unpleasant odours. Fortunately, tackling mould and mildew in your Stacer boat is not an insurmountable challenge. In this guide, we'll explore effective strategies to eliminate and prevent the resurgence of mould and mildew, ensuring a clean and healthy boat interior.

How To Identify Where Mould and Mildew Grow In Boats

Identifying areas prone to moisture accumulation is the first step in preventing growth. Pay special attention to areas such as cabins, storage compartments, and around windows where condensation can occur.

Immediate Action for Small Infestations

Increase ventilation by opening hatches, windows, and doors. This helps in reducing humidity levels, making the environment less conducive to mould growth.

Allow sunlight into the boat. Sunlight can inhibit the growth of mould and mildew.

Deep Cleaning for Larger Infestations

Take out cushions, bedding, and any other personal items that may be affected. Place them in the sun to dry and air out. Use a vacuum to remove loose mould spores from surfaces.

For hard surfaces, use a mixture of white vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) or a commercial mould and mildew cleaner. Scrub affected areas with a brush or sponge.

Pay Special Attention to Fabrics

Wash mouldy fabrics with a mixture of laundry detergent and baking soda. Consider adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle. After cleaning, allow fabrics to dry completely in the sun. Mould and mildew struggle to survive in dry conditions.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Mould and Mildew Growth

Dehumidifiers: Invest in a marine-grade dehumidifier to keep the interior air dry. This is especially important during off-season storage.

Silica Gel Packs: Place silica gel packs in enclosed spaces to absorb excess moisture. Remember to periodically replace or recharge the packs.

Regular Cleaning Routine: Establish a routine for cleaning and inspecting your boat's interior. Regular maintenance helps in catching and addressing issues before they escalate.

Control the Humidity Levels Inside the Boat

Ensure good air circulation throughout the boat. Use fans to promote airflow and reduce humidity levels. Avoid overpacking. Overpacking storage spaces can restrict airflow, creating pockets of stagnant air where moisture can accumulate.

Natural Remedies To Use As Alternatives

Tea Tree Oil: Mix tea tree oil with water (1 teaspoon of oil per cup of water) and spray it on affected areas. Tea tree oil has natural antifungal properties.

Citrus Extracts: Citrus extracts, like those found in orange or grapefruit seed extract, can be effective against mould. Mix with water and spray on affected surfaces.

Proactive Mildew Resistant Products

When possible, choose materials that are naturally resistant to mildew. Mildew-resistant fabrics and marine-grade vinyl are good choices for boat interiors. Consider applying mildew inhibitors to susceptible surfaces. These inhibitors create a protective barrier against mould and mildew.

Be Proactive and Do Regular Inspections

Periodically inspect hidden and less frequently used areas. Mould can thrive If you notice any signs of mould or mildew no matter how small they are, take immediate action to prevent further growth.

Call for Professional Help for Severe Cases

In severe cases where mould infestation is extensive, it may be prudent to consult with mould remediation professionals. Professionals can help identify and address underlying issues contributing to mould growth. You can also take your boat to a boat detailer to refurbish the exposed surfaces of your boat if the infestation damages the overall look of your water vessel. 


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