How To Make Your Boat Shining Bright Like A Diamond

24 Oct 2023

A Stacer tinny is beached on the shore.

Although your Stacer aluminium boat comes out gleaming and sparkling out of the boat dealership when you first bought it (unless you’re buying a used boat, but that’s a story for another time); over time, when you expose it to various water environments and weather elements, it will lose its shine, especially if you use it regularly. However, you don’t need to worry much since there is still a way to get it back. If you clean it the right way, your boat can look like it just stepped out of the dealership once more. Here are tips on how to make your boat look new again:

Clean Off Debris

Before cleaning, you want to remove any debris or grease that has built upon it. Once you’ve removed the grime, you can add your cleaner to the boat. This will make it easier to clean the boat and give the aluminium a clearer finish.

Aluminium has a tendency to develop an oxidized coat due to its exposure to the air. You need a cleaner that is specifically made for aluminium. These cleaners are specifically designed to break down oxidation and stains without harming the aluminium’s finish.

Remove Any Signs of Oxidation

If you notice any oxidation, use an aluminium brightener to treat areas affected by oxidation. Follow the product's instructions carefully and rinse thoroughly afterwards. If the oxidation persists, consider using a high-quality aluminium polish. Apply the polish with a clean, soft cloth and buff it in a circular motion. This will help restore shine to the aluminium surface.

Address Scratches and Dents

If your aluminium boat has scratches and dents, you can sand down any rough edges around scratches or dents, then fill them with aluminium filler or putty. Sand the filled areas smooth and repaint if necessary.

Waxing On and Off

To protect your boat’s shine and keep it looking great, apply a marine-grade aluminium wax or protectant. This creates a barrier that helps prevent future oxidation and staining. Use a buffing machine with a clean, soft pad to buff the wax or protectant into the aluminium surface. This process ensures an even coverage of the wax on the hull.

Don’t Forget the Accessories

Don’t disregard the aluminium trim and accessories on your boat like rails, cleats, and ladder steps. They can also look dull over time. Use the same cleaning and polishing techniques as you did for the boat’s hull to rejuvenate the shine of these components.

Routine Maintenance

To prevent your boat from oxidizing or corroding, rinse your boat with fresh water to remove salt and other contaminants. This is especially important if you take your boat out at sea. Wash your boat periodically with a cleaner to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime.

Make use of a boat cover when your boat is not in use. This can help shield it from the sun’s UV rays, which cause fading and eventual damage to the boat’s finish.

If your boat's aluminium finish is severely corroded or damaged, or if you're unsure about the best approach, consider seeking professional help from a boat detailing or restoration service in your local marine boat shops or boat dealerships. They have the experience and equipment to restore your boat's shine effectively.

By following these steps and giving your aluminium boat the attention it deserves, you can restore its shine and keep it looking its best. A shiny boat not only looks fantastic but also reflects the care and pride you have for your vessel, ensuring it remains a source of enjoyment for years to come.


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