Protect Your Boat Electronics from Being Stolen With These Helpful Tips

20 Dec 2023

Boat console with electronic gadgets.

Owning a boat is a huge achievement especially if you worked hard to get it. But be prepared; your responsibility as an owner starts there. You are going to dedicate a lot of time to maintaining and protecting your boat at all costs.

Having lots of gizmos installed in your Stacer boat is essential if you want to enhance your boating experience. However, owning them can come with a risk. Criminals often target boats because of their vulnerability, especially if they are left in a deserted location. When boat theft occurs, marine electronics are usually the first items taken. Marine electronics are preferred because of their value and ease of access. With simple tools like bolt cutters and screwdrivers; your navigation systems, sound equipment, sonar devices, and other electronics can be quickly removed and easily hidden. And if you don’t have any anti-theft measures to protect your boat, it could be the next target.

Create an Inventory List

Track your boat electronics, fishing equipment, and outboard motor by making an inventory list. Include the serial number and manufacturer of each device in your list so you can easily trace them when they are stolen or lost. Additional documentation such as taking photos of these items can also be useful for future reference.

Install an Alarm System and Other Anti-theft Devices

An effective way to scare off a thief is by installing an alarm system on your boat. This is identical to the car alarms that will produce a loud sound when an unauthorized person tries to access your boat. If you want to monitor your boat more, you can purchase a boat alarm with a security camera that will connect to your smartphones or tablets. They can show you real-time happenings. GPS tracker devices are also useful to monitor the exact location of your boat if someone tries to take them away.

Look For a Safe Place to Store Your Boat

Boats that are kept on trailers are easy targets for burglars. It’s better to store your boat in a warehouse, boat storage facility, or a locked garage to keep it safe. If you can’t afford to store them in these places, keep your trailered boats in your yard or your driveway and protect them with a boat cover. Use chains with a high-quality lock to attach your boat to a fixed object or remove one wheel to prevent anyone from accessing your boat trailer.

Insure Your Boat

While boat insurance won’t keep your boat from being stolen, it can help you recover quicker if you have one. It will help you cover all the expenses involved in losing or damaging your boat. Be sure to talk to a boat insurance specialist to help you understand all the available boat insurance policies your boat is qualified for. Some boat dealerships offer assistance to boaters in obtaining Club Marine Insurance or other types of boat insurance. 

Report to the Authorities if Your Boat is Stolen

If any electronics is stolen, immediately report it to the local police department and your insurance agency (if you have one). If you kept the boat in a marina or storage facility, report the loss to the management. Gather your inventory list and documentation and be ready to answer any questions they may have about the incident. Being able to identify your property with the proper documentation is crucial to the fast recovery of your boat and equipment and the prosecution of the burglar.

Many people tend to take boat security for granted until it’s too late. Convenience tends to outweigh cautiousness. It is important to take the extra time to ensure that your boat and equipment are properly protected.


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