What To Do When You Fall From a Boat

21 Jun 2023

A man jumping off the the railings of a boat into the ocean.

A day on the water can quickly turn into a challenging situation if you find yourself unexpectedly falling overboard from a Quintrex Frontier boat. While it's a frightening experience, knowing what to do in such a situation can make all the difference. In this article, we will explore essential steps to take when you fall from a boat to ensure your safety and increase the chances of a successful rescue.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

As soon as you hit the water, it's crucial to remain calm and assess the situation. Take a deep breath and try to stay afloat. Determine if you're injured or if you can move freely. Assess the distance between you and the boat, as well as any potential hazards in the water.

Signal for Help

Once you've assessed your condition and surroundings, signal for help. If you are near the boat, try to grab onto something buoyant, like a life ring or a floating seat cushion, and make yourself visible to the people on board. Yell or wave your arms to attract attention. If there are other boats nearby, use any available means to signal them, such as whistling, waving, or using a signalling mirror if you have one.

Activate Personal Locator Devices

If you have a personal locator device, such as an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) or a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB), activate it immediately. These devices transmit distress signals and provide your exact location to search and rescue teams. If you regularly engage in boating activities, consider investing in these devices as they can significantly improve your chances of being located quickly. You can purchase these locators in your local marine boat shops.

Don’t Panic

Falling from a boat can be a disorienting and frightening experience. It's essential to maintain a positive mental attitude to stay focused and increase your chances of survival. Avoid panicking, as it can lead to poor decision-making and rapid exhaustion. Instead, concentrate on staying calm, conserving energy, and holding on to hope for a successful rescue.

Use Safety Equipment and Survival Techniques

If you find yourself in the water for an extended period, utilize any available safety equipment and survival techniques to increase your chances of survival. If you are wearing a life jacket, it will help you stay afloat and conserve energy. Try to insulate your body by crossing your arms tightly against your chest or hugging your knees to minimize heat loss.

Stay Hydrated and Conserve Energy

While waiting for rescue, it's essential to stay hydrated to maintain your physical and mental capabilities. Conserve your energy by avoiding unnecessary movements and staying as still as possible. Avoid swimming long distances unless absolutely necessary, as it can lead to exhaustion. Focus on preserving your energy for when rescue is imminent.

Be Prepared for Self-Rescue

In some situations, it may be necessary to attempt a self-rescue. If you can see the boat or a reachable point, assess the risks and decide if it's feasible to swim towards it. Use the currents and any floating objects as aids to help you reach safety. However, it's important to remember that self-rescue should only be attempted if you are confident in your abilities and the risks are minimal.

Falling from a boat can be a terrifying experience, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can increase your chances of survival. Stay calm, signal for help, and use any available safety equipment. Remember, the key to surviving such a situation is to remain calm, think clearly, and take decisive actions that prioritize your safety.


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