
A group of people having fun on a boat.
How to Know What’s the Best Boat for You

Before you go ahead and buy a boat blindly, you should step back and ponder about your options and reasons for buying a boat. Also, you need to know what are the different functions of the most common boats in the market.

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A man operating a boat.
All The Things To Include In Your Boat Safety Inspection Checklist

A boat safety inspection checklist form is a tool used by boaters to ensure that all safety practices are followed and done before setting out into the waters. Here are the items you should include in your checklist.

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A woman in the water, holding on to a boat.
How to Swim Safely In the Water During Your Boating Trips

There’s a time and place for jumping off a boat for a swim, so practising caution is advisable. Here are a few things to check before diving in headfirst.

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Person propping his feet on a boat.
How to Get Rid of Unpleasant Smells from Your Boat

Here is a quick guide to getting rid of musty smells and rancid odours from your boat.

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Shot of a boat interior.
Why You Should Buy Your First Boat From a Boat Dealership

Here's why buying your first boat from a dealership is often the best choice.

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Person cleaning a boat's hull underwater.
Simple Strategies You Can Do to Prevent Marine Growth on Your Boat

By using a combination of these strategies, you can keep your boat free from marine growth, ensuring optimal performance, fuel efficiency, and a pristine appearance.

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